Friday, October 3, 2014

Egression Detail #180

I actually mean my egressions to be more than cannon fodder, I actually actively dislike the my-eyes-bigger-than-my-stomach behavior that mmmaybe Pinterest encourages. I mean, man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for. I do, though, try to only pin and egress what I could conceivably get down with. And I'm genuinely interested in lists like A CHANGE IS AS GOOD AS A BREAK! 17 LITTLE THINGS YOU CAN SWITCH AROUND TO MAKE LIFE MORE INTERESTING, not just to collect but to converse with. That's what to do with these lists, talk back to them. Not to argue with them, but to engage with them. I figure that's what they're on this earth to do, how you get something out of them is by them getting something out of you.

So, whatcha got for me:

1. Order a new hot beverage.
Well, I don't order beverages. For budgetary reasons, you know? On work days I make coffee in the kitchen, and it varies with the season and sometimes with the weather whether I want it black or with butter. I guess I sort of have a rep as a butter coffee enthusiast, but really it's because butter keeps better than cream. And everybody else in the office thinks butter in coffee is disgusting or weird, so nobody's going to filch my butter like everybody does cream. On home days the sweetie man brings me coffee in bed, again it varies with the season whether I get it black or with almond milk. I'm spoiled enough already, I feel like it's too much to ask for butter coffee in bed.

Idk, it's a pretty good setup. What would I do differently? In fact the last thing I innovated was bringing in a spare rocket blender and a jar of coconut oil for my work cupboard so that I could have butter coffee instead of getting coffee with cream from Corner Bakery, for the aforementioned budgetary reasons and also to stop myself from getting bagels for breakfast.

Here's me drawing a blank. Switching things around is hard.

2. Buy a Groupon for a new restaurant in your neighborhood and order something you've never had.
Okay well, a) I don't buy Groupons, and b) we don't go out to restaurants, both for the aforementioned budgetary reasons and also the sweetie man is deaf in one ear and can't hear over the background noise in most restaurants. We have a really short list where we get takeout from: Taco Burrito Express and Mon Lung, and the occasional $5 Hot and Ready pepperoni pizza from the Little Caesar's in the Kmart. Taco Burrito Express and Mon Lung are both very, very good; but that is a dire little list, isn't it.

Sometimes Dawn and I go out to eat. Maybe I will look for someplace to go with Dawn.

3. Construct an outfit around one of your closet orphans.
Okay yes, I can do this! Brb!

4. House swap with friends for the weekend.
GAH, NO. This gives me hives on so many levels. I don't even want to talk about it. Lalalalala.

5. Take a different route (or type of transportation) to work.
Whyyy, my commute is perfect the way it is. It could only be faster and more direct if I put myself in one of those canisters and jumped into a vacuum tube like they have at the bank. If you haven't noticed, my life is very tightly scheduled and I'm really disinclined to dislodge very much.

Maybe on a Friday, when things aren't so tight.

6. Try out a new hairstyle.
Yes, I will!

7. Ask your boss if you can come in/leave early or vice versa.
Nooooo. See #5 about being tightly scheduled. This is not a little thing that I can switch around, this is taking the whole damn thing apart, thank you, but no, thank you.

8. Take a new class at your gym.
Yes! I'm doing this now, this is what I'm so excited about break about. That last sentence seems screwed up, but onward. I mean, I don't take classes and don't have a gym; so it's more like "take a new class" "at your gym." Still!

9. Read a magazine about a topic you know nothing about.
Okay, sure.

10. Go to open mic night.
I can go see Juanna! I will definitely put this on my list.

11. Listen to a new radio station.
I do try this on Songza, which is my radio. I had no idea that I was so strongly inclined to mellow indie until Songza. So now and again I'll be about to click on a usual suspect and suddenly my hand veers like a possessed Ouija pointer, and hilarity ensues.

12. Switch your part.
This is not such a big deal for me, Biggie cuts my hair so it can go both ways. Also, isn't this basically the same as #6?

13. Swap out your bedding for something totally different.
Mehh. I do sort of want new sheets, I've had the same two sets of sheets since I've been in this apartment. So since 2006, that's like eight years! White sheets, even. They're great sheets though, 600 count cotton; they weren't cheap, I bought them before I adjusted to my post-divorce financial situation. They're not as nicely white as they used to be, but they're whisper soft at this point. So the rub is, we're spoiled. It's not just me, the sweetie man's just as much of a princess about our sheets as I am. Though a thing about him is that he's not much about just getting new things just to get new things, and that has nicely rubbed off on me. Which kind of leaves us to appreciate the nice sheets that we've got.

14. Go to an international grocery store and buy a bunch of things you've never tried.
Guh, "international" feels like code that means something to a white person. I know, it can mean something totally innocent. I could cooperate, but I don't feel like it.

15. Wear a new shade of nail polish, a new color of eyeliner, a new shade of lipstick.
By "new shade," do you mean ...any? Okay, sure.

16. Sit with someone you don't know at lunch.
By "someone you don't know," do you mean somebody other than me? I consider it my God given right to eat lunch alone.

17. Rent a car that's totally unlike yours for the weekend.
By "a car that's totally unlike yours" do you mean ...a car?

Okay so, if you're keeping track:

Yes, I already do:

Listen to a new radio station now and again.
Switch my part now and again.

Yes, I will!

1. Construct an outfit around one of your closet orphans.
2. Try out a new hairstyle.
3. Take a new class at your gym.
4. Read a magazine about a topic you know nothing about.
5. Go to open mic night.
6. Wear a new shade of nail polish, eyeliner, or lipstick.

Idk mmaaaybe...

7. Order a new hot beverage.
8. Go to a new restaurant and order something you've never had.
9. Take a different route (or type of transportation) to work.
10. Swap out your bedding for something totally different.
11. Buy a bunch of groceries you've never tried.
12. Rent a car for the weekend.


House swap with friends for the weekend.
Ask your boss if you can come in/leave early or vice versa.
Sit with someone you don't know at lunch.

So that gives me six to start off with, and six more to think about...