Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fried Eggs with Avocado Brussels Hash

fried eggs with brussels sprout, jalapeno, and avocado hash

Remember the formula for this hash is avocado + whatever vegetable + a pepper, hot or sweet.

however many brussels sprouts are leftover from making chicken jars
a jalapeno pepper
olive oil
an avocado

Heat oven to 500 degrees.

Trim and quarter the brussels sprouts lengthwise, and seed and sliver the pepper. Toss them in a baking pan with a little olive oil and salt, and put them in the oven for fifteen minutes.

Cut up the avocado into hash-size pieces and stir them into the roasted vegetables.

For the rest of this breakfast

Fry some eggs in a bit of olive oil or butter in a skillet over medium high heat. I crack my eggs in the oil, let them set a bit, then dribble in a little water from the kettle and cover the skillet for a couple minutes.

Plate the eggs with the hash.