Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brown Rice and Tofu Scramble To Go

This is an easy scramble to make for lunches when you've eaten up all your leftovers & have nothing for lunches. Or if you're back from practice and insane with starvation, it's nicer to eat than the gross tofu salad that was destined for the garbage.

2 cups medium-grain brown rice
3 cups water

Combine the rice and water in a pot and bring to a boil, then turn heat to very low and let simmer for about thirty minutes. I pretty much just forget about it until I remember; then I turn off the heat and let it rest overnight, which softens anything that got burned on the bottom.

1 package extra-firm tofu
1 Tbsp olive oil
5 green onions, finely chopped
1 Tbsp soy sauce

Heat oil in the pan over medium heat. Add green onion and saute lightly, about 2 minutes. Stir in soy sauce.

Break the tofu into eight pieces, squeezing each piece until it's about half its original thickness, then loosely crumble it into the frying pan. Stir to combine with the onion-soy mixture and cook until heated through, about five minutes.

Divide the tofu into two takealong containers, and the rice into six takealong containers. This gives you two brown rice and tofu lunches, and four more brown rice containers that are ready to eat.

To serve, I heat up the rice in the microwave & have the tofu cold mushed up with the rice. That just made it sound really yummy, didn't it—

Per serving, 431 calories