Tuesday, September 22, 2009


20090902_popsicle Made in Tovolo Yellow Groovy Pop Molds. There's also Blue Rocket and Green Shooting Star, which is what Sarvi has. Sarvi got me started on popsicles, when I was in LA.

You just fill the mold with juice, silk, whatever & freeze for four hours. Who knew that juice was so delicious frozen. Just straight up orange juice, frozen, is the bomb. I think this pink one is raspberry lemonade, and limeade is also good. Vanilla and chocolate silk are also very good.

Also these pretty much make giving up ice cream a non-issue for me. So baby chicks and ice cream cows are safe from me, anyway. And I hardly have cheese, except on pizza. I tried a slice of teese pizza this weekend, and it was good. Actually I like pizza without cheese, but nobody else does and pizza is social. No milk. I don't love dairy mainly because I used to be lactose intolerant. I'm not anymore, which is another story. So also cheese cows, pretty safe. Just not yogurt cows or, you know, hot dog cows—