I got this idea for this from Meg Gravesdale, hers was called a London Fog and was Earl Grey + 1 Tbsp maple syrup + almond milk I think. It was almost too sweet, she said. I only like a hint of sweetness, and just use a drop of honey myself.
But my main innovation was how to froth the milk, do those stovetop steamers really work? I sort of doubt it, so then I looked at milk frothers and here I already have this stick blender. Well, "innovation," by which I mean I belatedly figured out how everybody else has been doing it.
I mostly don't eat snack snacks, just a post-workout snack that's a meal of its own. For better or for worse though, food gives me pause and sometimes a pause is what I really need—this is for that. I guess this is a drink for when I think, I need a drink. When you just want to stop the world for a second, it doesn't have to be a drink drink. I kind of think that's what I used to snack for. Now I think I know what I'm really after, I can think of better ways to get there.
almond milk
black tea
Measure out half a mug of almond milk, put in a small saucepan with honey to your taste and a pinch of nutmeg, and bring to a simmer.
Meanwhile heat water in a kettle and make half a mug of tea.
Froth the milk in the pan with a stick blender, and pour the milk over the tea.