Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Hobby Wear

black caprisI would love to have replaced my two old pairs of sweatpants with swanky new tracksuits, because that would have been funny and comfortable to boot. Which is about as far as my fashion sense extends, funny and comfortable. I need two more track jackets like I need two more holes in my sweatpants, though. And so help me, I actually ripped the waistband off the blue sweats, and mended and sewed it back on, argh, who does that? Michael Chabon wrote, "Solace is in the fabric of sweatshirts" in The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, and it has something to do with that. Also a thing that you haven't worn in a year is totally different than a thing that you've worn out.

gray caprisI did pick up two pairs of stretch capris from Target, black to match my convict hoody and dark gray to match my camo hoody. I really love track stripes, but they match better without them. WHAT. THEY'RE OUTFITS. With my spring crocs, ha ha. Which I wear with white socks. Truthfully, the crocs are a little sweaty without socks.

I really could not tell you why I delight so much in dressing like my mom dressed.

Well. That's why, I guess.