I should tell you this early on, I pretty much only eat frozen vegetables. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, would you get serious. Would you really not be friends with somebody over frozen vegetables.
Really now, does food have to be another trope for asserting one's superiority over others?
In my previous life, I was all about fresh vegetables. By the way, I don't mean that I believe in reincarnation. I just mean, you know, before I got divorced. We used to get a vegetable box every week from a CSA farm, all in tune with the seasons.
I think getting divorced turned me from a hippie into a punk.
Or maybe turning into a punk got me divorced...
Wow, I am off the subject of frozen vegetables. Well nowadays, I couldn't keep up with a vegetable box. I can't keep up with one vegetable at a time. I'm serious, I tried buying one vegetable a week & it always ended with throwing that vegetable out. Taken together, the picture of the vegetable in my head and the actual vegetable in the fridge, moldering, were the plot of a horror movie. Like the vegetable version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Wait no, Dorian Gray doesn't get old. So like Dorian Gray, but the other way around. Which is a normal vegetable.
I'm not going to be a pod and tell you that frozen vegetables are as good as fresh vegetables. Better than vegetables in the garbage can, though. I mean, they're much better than garbage!
I just made myself feel bad about people who have to eat garbage.