Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August Review

So, what, I get two good months and then I get a bad month. Fine. I was doing pretty heroically for a couple weeks with the refrigerator fading in and out, that actually started the last week of July. Then I pretty much lost the plot for a couple weeks, like the coke and chex mix level of losing the plot. Eight hours of prolonged sitting losing the plot. Yuck. Then get back on track, then get kicked off track. Going to see the doctor tomorrow for a little help sleeping. I can help myself if I can sleep!

I have a new client! It actually takes a lot to onboard a new client. Obviously a new client is a good thing, but I think I just had too much on my plate—good, bad, ugly—between that and the refrigerator, and dropped my plate. I'd like to get better at 1) counting things that are being added to my plate, 2) taking other things off my plate to keep my plate total at a manageable level, 3) putting the plate down, 4) giving my brain a little extra quiet time to process it all.

I started a bunch of new pothos plants at work, too:

movin on up! aramis, bazin, and madame de chevruse have moved in together #pothos party

A photo posted by Pauline Pang (@allapoppy) on

I moved the Aramis family to a spot in the hallway that I hope nobody minds, gave away two pots to people with offices (i.e., windows, though pothos don't really need much light), and have three new babies on my desk.

Whaaat, Porthos needed a haircut bad. Propagating plants, though, that's a thing. And it's been straight busy at work, I'm in the middle of a huge project that hopefully finishes mid-October.

It has been a lot.

August picks:

HOME: Make a better place

1. Learn more about the Chicago Progressive Caucus.

Right, remember I added this to my plate too. Done, I guess, in the sense that I know more than I did, which was nothing. I read through their whole website and signed up for their mailing list. I haven't solved Black Lives Matter or anything like that. I don't think I'm going to make myself into a social justice warrior (not in the pejorative sense), I think I'm going to make myself into a better informed voter who still has to clean her own house.

Four blocks earmarked for this were used to 1) put away laundry, 2) :'( 3) pay bills, and 4) Fury boat trip.

What an amazing day on the lake for The Fury Boat Party!!! #tffy #tffl #teamfury #windycityrollers #lakemichigan

A photo posted by Lisa Adreani (@vigilannie76) on

SYSTEMS: Sharpen the saw

2. Order new glasses.

Not done, sigh. Now that I'm looking at this, in addition to the new client thing, I had a lot of social things this month. And sometimes a social thing comes with an extra thing, like making food ahead of a potluck. These four blocks were used to 1) make lemonade for Problem's Olympics opening ceremony party, 2) brunch and lipstick date with Biggie:


A photo posted by Pauline Pang (@allapoppy) on

This is before the lipstick, obviously.

And then 3a) draft a workout for my new client and 3b) a new workout for an old client, and 4) pay bills to finish.

PLAY: Study movement and muscles

3. Keep watching Functional Patterns videos.

Done, not as much as I wanted.

Five blocks for this were used to 1) draft an About sheet to send to my new client, 2) draft an email to send that About sheet to my new client, 3) catch up on appointments and grocery list that weren't done because of plate dropping the previous weekend, 4) actually watch videoes and 5) breakfast with TS.

PASTIME: Write alla Poppy

4. Keep editing and publishing recipes.

Done, not as much as I wanted.

Five blocks for this were used to 1) draft Boiled Eggs and Goatskal, 2) draft August Eats, 3) :| 4) draft August Review, 5) draft Chocolate Chia Pudding.

State of the Blog

Sigh, idk how this is going to go. I have just about enough time and energy to keep up with two posts per month, a short eats post and a long review post. If I can get through a month without a breakdown, I get two, three more blocks to write other stuff. Am I ever going to get through this goodeats collection? Do I want to write other stuff besides goodeats? Or just the two posts per month.

I don't knowwwww.

Going out

So there was the Olympics opening ceremony party and brunch with Biggie, and also Box's jiu-jitsu meet followed by more lemonade and Olympics:

And the winner is......GUNS AND BUTTER!!!! So proud of you! YAY GWEN! #ibjjf #evilstrength

A photo posted by Corrin Cafferty (@corrinfiltrate) on

Also Sarge's bridal shower:

And Fury boat trip, and breakfast with TS. So busy.

Staying in

I'm in a battle with "sleeping TV," trying to beat it back from bedtime and then getting beat right back, but at least "working TV" is still not a thing. What's still a thing is enforced rest TV, when I have to make myself lie on the couch and rest—and hopefully, nap—before I go to the gym to train clients. I watched Marcella and River for that this month, and now Netflix has a bunch more seasons of The Murdoch Mysteries.

Watching TV

For entertainment this month we watched Limitless (the movie), Ex Machina, and Central Intelligence. Haha! I love the Rock.

September picks:

HOME: Make a better place

1. The house needs me again: pick a thing, anything.

SYSTEMS: Sharpen the saw

2. Order new glasses!

PLAY: Study movement and muscles

3. Keep watching Functional Patterns videos.

PASTIME: Write alla Poppy

4. Keep editing and publishing recipes.