So my niece got to see my blog this weekend, and what's weird is that she can read. I mean, she's ten. Still. She used to not be able to read. But now I can hear my words read back to me, as if by a ten year old text-to-voice generator:
I did manage to have a Halloween weekend in spite of myself: Saturday night I went over to Zombea's, where delicious food was made for me and I slept through The Hills Have Eyes and woke up for The Evil Dead. Sunday night I unexpectedly got invited over by my friend Jason, whom I haven't seen in ever because of derby, and who lives in a building with a theater room, where we watched The Walking Dead. Now I keep asking sweetie man—"Sweetie man?" She points at the person most often called Uncle, I mean, Mr. Matt. Kids are very rule-based. In the Sims, we are only allowed to be housemates. "Is that you?"
Mr. Matt says, sometimes. She falls off the couch laughing and then runs screeching through the house. Imo and Mr. Matt are not doing a good job keeping her away from the Halloween candy.
Anyway I was showing her how she could click on a label to see all the posts labelled that, and she clicked on fashion. Pause. "Imo," she said, carefully. "Is this what you call fashion?"
Ha, well. My clothes are actually well-considered. They have to be machine washable. They have to be uniform, I should be able to know what I'm doing from what I'm wearing. So now that I'm working from home, I can wear sweats. Fist pump! And just so you know if I have practice that night, I have on my skating clothes under my sweats. Also you'll notice, I have two whole outfits in this genre.
I was going to title this post Fall Work Wear, but the work that I'm doing at home is writing and according to my work/play taxonomy, writing is HOBBY. So I'm calling this Fall Hobby Wear. Presumably if I had to go to a meeting ever, that would be WORK and I would put on my just passable khakis and terrible shoes again.